Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Welcome to the ASCL

The Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL) is a free online registry and repository for source codes of interest to astronomers and astrophysicists, including solar system astronomers, and lists codes that have been used in research that has appeared in, or been submitted to, peer-reviewed publications. The ASCL is indexed by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) and Web of Science and is citable by using the unique ascl ID assigned to each code. The ascl ID can be used to link to the code entry by prefacing the number with (i.e.,

Most Recently Added Codes

2025 Mar 12

[submitted] GaMorNet -- Galaxy Morphology Network

GaMorNet is a Convolutional Neural Network to classify galaxies morphologically. GaMorNet does not need a large amount of training data (as it is trained on simulations and then transfer-learned on a small portion of real data) and can be applied on multiple datasets. Till now, GaMorNet has been tested on ~100,000 SDSS g-band galaxies and ~20,000 CANDELS H-band galaxies and has a misclassification rate of less than 5%

[submitted] GaMPEN -- Galaxy Morphology Posterior Estimation Network

The Galaxy Morphology Posterior Estimation Network (GaMPEN) is a Bayesian machine learning framework that can estimate robust posteriors (i.e., values + uncertainties) for structural parameters of galaxies. GaMPEN also automatically crops input images to an optimal size before structural parameter estimation.

GaMPEN’s predicted posteriors are extremely well-calibrated (less than 5% deviation) and have been shown to be up to 60% more accurate compared to the uncertainties predicted by many light-profile fitting algorithms.

Once trained, it takes GaMPEN less than a millisecond to perform a single model evaluation on a CPU. Thus, GaMPEN’s posterior prediction capabilities are ready for large galaxy samples expected from upcoming large imaging surveys, such as Rubin-LSST, Euclid, and NGRST.

2025 Mar 11

[submitted] spinifex

Spinifex is a pure Python tooling for ionospheric corrections in radio astronomy, e.g. getting total electron content and rotation measures.

2025 Mar 07

[submitted] StellarSpecModel: a interpolating stellar spectrum and generating theoretical SEDs tool

StellarSpecModel is a Python package to interpolate the stellar spectral grid. Users provide stellar parameters (Teff, FeH, logg), the package will return the corresponding stellar spectrum.

This packagge also designed for generating and analyzing theoretical stellar spectral energy distributions (SEDs). The package includes functionality for both single and binary star systems, incorporating extinction models and the ability to handle photometric data in various filter bands.

2025 Mar 05

[ascl:2503.005] Deep-Transit: Transit detection with a 2D object detection algorithm

Deep-Transit detects transits using a deep learning based 2D object detection algorithm. The code determines the light curve and outputs the transiting candidates' bounding boxes and confidence scores. It has been trained for Kepler and TESS data, and can be extended to other photometric surveys and even ground-based observations. Deep-Transit also provides an interface for training new datasets.

[ascl:2503.004] ROCKE-3D: Fully coupled ocean atmosphere 3-D General Circulation Model

ROCKE-3D (Resolving Orbital and Climate Keys of Earth and Extraterrestrial Environments with Dynamics) models the atmospheres and oceans of solar system and exoplanetary terrestrial planets. Written in Fortran, it is a three-dimensional General Circulation Model (GCM). ROCKE-3D requires Panoply, the SOCRATES radiation code and spectral files, and has several additional dependencies.

2025 Mar 04

[ascl:2503.003] spectools_ir: Medium/high-resolution IR molecular spectra analysis tools

The spectools_ir suite analyzes medium/high-resolution IR molecular astronomical spectra. It has three main sub-modules (flux_calculator, slabspec, and slab_fitter) and also offers a sub-module (utils) with a few additional functions. Written with infrared medium/high-resolution molecular spectroscopy in mind, spectools_ir generally assumes spectra are in units of Jy and microns and uses information from the HITRAN molecular database. Some routines are more general, but users interested in other applications should proceed with caution.

[ascl:2503.002] NbodyGradient: Compute gradients of N-body integrations

NbodyGradient computes gradients of N-body integrations for Newtonian gravity and arbitrary N-body hierarchies. Developed for transit-timing analyses and written in Julia, NbodyGradient gives derivatives of the transit times with respect to the initial conditions, either masses and Cartesian coordinates/velocities or orbital elements.

[ascl:2503.001] HiSS-Cube: Hierarchical Semi-Sparse Cube

Hierarchical Semi-Sparse Cube (HiSS-Cube) framework provides highly parallel processing of combined multi-modal multi-dimensional big data. The package builds a database on top of the HDF5 framework which supports parallel queries. A database index on top of HDF5 can be easily constructed in parallel, and the code supports efficient multi-modal big data combinations. The performance of HiSS-Cube is bounded by the I/O bandwidth and I/O operations per second of the underlying parallel file system; it scales linearly with the number of I/O nodes and can be extended to any kind of multidimensional data combination and information retrieval.

[submitted] spectool: a spectral data processing and analysis tool

Spectool is a toolkit designed for processing astronomical spectral data, offering a collection of common spectral analysis algorithms. The package includes functions for spectral resampling, spectral flattening, radial velocity measurements, spectral convolution broadening, and more. Each function in the package is implemented independently, allowing users to select and utilize the desired features as needed. The functions are designed with simple and intuitive interfaces, ensuring ease of use for various data sets and analysis tasks.